Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Scooter! Bike! Run! Play!

The weather is getting warmer outside and it's time to dust off all that outdoor equipment!  That sense of being all bundled up and inside is now gone.  There is a wonderful sense of freedom that one feels with the wind blowing through their hair and zooming down a big hill or driveway on a scooter, bike or rollerblades...WEEEEEEE!!! Oh what FUN!  Playing outside seems so natural, yet many children would rather have screen time than outside play time.  Playing outside has so many health benefits; breathing fresh clean air, better sleep, moving the body in different ways to help develop fine and gross motor movements.  An another benefit to being outside is creativity.  Playing on the playground, playing neighborhood games and just being out on the scooter or bike stimulates creativity.  Two of my favorite things to do when I was younger were riding my bike and seeing where different sidewalks lead and even hoping to find a jump to go off of along the way (weeee) and to create games on the playground with my friends.  I encourage you all to go scooter, bike, run, rollerblade, and PLAY outside!  What "weeeee" will you feel and what creative idea will you have that develops the next big game?  Get outside and create an epic adventure!