Welcome back Lower School students! It's time to get moving in Ms Carlson's PE classes! We will start of the school year with our Body Management unit. In this unit we will be performing skills and participating in activities that help us with spatial awareness, agility, locomotor skills, body movements, cooperative learning and sportsmanship.
The students favorite game to play during body management is tag. We don't just play "tag you're it." We have lots of version of tag which helps the students really focus on listening and following direction. Another important part of PE. The classes favorite version of tag is "Secret Agent Tag." In this tagging game there are 2 taggers and two secret agents. This version of tag not only focuses on spatial awareness, locomotor skills and agility it emphasis the value of honesty. For this game the students need to tuck up in a little ball and hide their eyes as the teacher goes around and chooses the two secret agents and the taggers. The taggers are allowed to tell the class they are taggers but the secret agents are not. The students love trying to figure out how the secret agents are so when they get tagged they know who can help them get free. They also love being the secret agent!
The upcoming unit is ice skating. This unit focuses on the skating basics as well as body management on the ice. Mr. Little will be teaching my classes and I will be teaching Mr Little's classes in the swimming pool. Within these two units the students really learn how their bodies move in different environments.
Pictures and video will be coming once the students are back in the gym!
Go Mustangs!